I have a list somewhere on this blog of flat ephemera (paper scraps) that I can use on cards and on scrapbook pages. I’m really not into bumpy scrapbooking, but thought I needed a list of other items that would give a little more texture to a page. So here’s my reference list =
atc’s & tags; back stitch; bandage gauze; bicycle license plates; bread-bag tabs; bubble gum or candy wrappers; business cards; blanket stitching, calendar, junk mail, & magazine images; cheesecloth; chicken wire; chipboard puzzle pieces; clock/watch faces; clothing labels; coffee filter snowflakes; cork strips, craft sticks, crimped or crumbled paper, crepe paper bows, crystal laquer, cupcake papers, dental floss, dried tea & spices, dry or heat embossed diecuts, dog tags, drywall mesh, egg dye dippers, embroidery floss, embossed foil, embossed paper, empty teabag envies, empty sweetener bags, envelopes (new & used), eyelets, fabric, faux wax seals; feathers, fibers, fine jewelry chains, fingernail decals, flat charms or earrings, flattened soda cans, foreign coins, game score cards, game markers, garden seed packets, glitter, index or recipe cards, ink-tinted baby wipes or used dryer sheets, keys, lace, leather, library pockets, maps, masking tape, metal conchos; metal-rimmed tags, metal foil tape, mini-file folders, modpodge or glaze, needle threaders, one-layered silk flowers, paint chips, paper packaging images, paper clips, patches, playing cards, pogs, pop can tabs, postcards, produce bag stencil, punchies, rayon seam tape, reinforcement stickers, ribbon, rickrack, rubber stamped images, running stitch, safety pins, sandpaper, sequins, silk leaves, silhouettes, slide or coin mounts, staples, storybook images, suede paper, sewing measurement tape, screen mesh, stickers, sticky notes, thin twine, ticket stubs, torn paper flowers, toy money, travel brochures, tulle, twill tape, used postage stamps, UTEE clear embossing powder, vintage ladies gloves, washers, watch crystals, wire stitches, zigzag stitch