Saturday, August 28, 2010

Paper Dolls

I've been reading some books on dolls & paper art dolls. I wanna make some of these too! I have a doll rubber stamp and recently found stencils at a thrift store to make small doll faces. I'd like to make historical (esp. Bible story or figures from Christian history) or literature paper art dolls. Here's an ugly little one I made some time ago for an atc doll swap.

As I was reading the book list below, I was trying to remember what paper dolls I had as a child. I must have had a few, because I remembered that the fold-over tabs on the paper clothing never lasted long, nor fit the dolls well, but for the life of me, I don't remember what they were. I do remember a scrapbook I kept for awhile, my first one I believe, of babies and baby dolls I cut from old magazines and catalogs and pasted into an old school notebook on lined paper. I didn't dress them, but enjoyed collecting them. I might just have to find new-to-me paper doll parts and make a new scrapbook as I journey into paper doll making.

1. Artful Paper Dolls: New Ways to Play with a Traditional Form. By Terry Taylor. Lark/Sterling, 2006.

2. Collector's Guide to Raphael Tuck & Sons: Paper Dolls, Paper Toys, & Children's Books. By Blair & Margaret Whitton. Hobby House, 1991.

3. Fanciful Paper Projects: making Your Own Posh Little Follies. By Sandra Evertson. Sterling 2005. Can be found on Amazon or Google Books. 

4. How to Dress an Old-Fashioned Doll. By Mary H. Morgan. Dover, 1973, reprint of 1908 book.

5. Paper Dolls: Their History and How to Make Them. By Edith Flack Ackley. J.P. Lippincott, 1939. 

6. Paper Dolls of the 1960s, 1970s, & 1980s. By Carol Nichols. Collector Books, 2005.

7. Paper Puppet Palooza: Techniques for Making Movable Art Figures & Paper Dolls. By Norma V. Toraya. 2009.

8. Paper Sculpture. By Alan Allport. Drake, 1971. 

9. Storytelling with Dolls. By Elinor Peace Bailey & Noreen Crone-Findlay. Krause, 2003

10. The Doll. By Carl Fox. Harry N. Abrams, NY.

11. Paper Doll Printables! 

12. More Paper Doll Printables!

I was rummaging around in my stash of craft stuff and ran across a Doll Back from the Artgirlz, Inc. Oh, goodie, something else I can play with!

Update-1: I finally created some paper dolls to represent my friends in my happy book (positivity journal) for the month of September 2019. Click here to see the gatefold type flaps I added them to! 

Update-2: I updated my Flickr-1 account and added 3 new Zetti-type art journaled paper dolls to it. One of the paper dolls I found in somebody's else's Flickr account had little metal charms of feet and hands attached to the doll. I thought that was so cute. 

Update-3: Found a new friend, Arty Farty Annie on YouTube, then found her Blog and a blog post about her Trash Dolls. She accommodated my request for a tutorial on Trash dolls.  And here is a video of my version of Trash Dolls! Now Annie and I are doing another collaboration - we're making a journal following Mary Flower's Journal idea and adding our Dollies to them. Annie calls them Franken-dolls! 

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Shoebox Party

Do you know what a shoebox party is? Well, I was invited to one last week and these are the cards we made during the day. A shoebox party is like a crop for scrapbookers, only this is for cardmakers. Each person brings one or more shoebox(es) filled with a sample card already prepared (I took three boxes) and all the fixings (including adhesive & tools) to make that card in the box along with the directions. So if ten people have been invited to the party, there is enough material in the one shoebox so ten people can make one card from that box, then it is passed on to the next person at the table and so on. Each person has the option to make their card just like the sample card or change it up to suit themselves from the materials at hand and at the end of the day, when everyone has made all the cards, then we get to take them home. We also donated to a potluck luncheon. 

There were all levels of expertise represented – very simple cards from beginners to more experienced cardmakers. I made them all plus a template for an envelope. I also took some rubber stamps with me that I no longer wanted to swap & I think most had fun digging through the box. HELLO! I hope everyone remembers that I want Christian type rubber stamps in exchange!

Golly, I had a blast!

You might like to read this:

Devotion: A Shot of Peace

“Is there no balm in Gilead?” ~ Jeremiah 8:22

Gilead was famous for its healing ointments and the ancient spice merchants traveled through this area near the Holy Land regularly. I hope and pray that my card ministry will point the way to the Great Physician's healing balm for wounds. He’s the only one that can heal hurt, give peace, and bring comfort to battered bodies.

Prayer: Lord, make us instruments of your peace. Where there is hatred, let us sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is discord, union; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. Grant that we may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen. ~ A Prayer attributed to St. Francis.

Today’s Quote:
"The Greek word for peacemakers is eirenepoios, which can be interpreted as "peace poets," suggesting that peace is a thing to be crafted or made. We need to seek ways to be not just "peacekeepers" but to be engaged "peacemakers." In such a definition, peace (or the Hebrew word shalom) is not simply an absence of war but a thriving of our lives, where God uses our creativity as a vehicle to create a world that ought to be." ~ Makoto Fujimura.