Wednesday, March 2, 2011

A Script

"Always be prepared to give an answer . . ." ~ 1 Peter 3:15

A soldier is said to have an automatic response when faced with firing from the enemy. He has been trained by constant practice with his firearm to shoot quickly and straight at the target.
Was my face red when I couldn't explain my Christian beliefs and our basic church doctrine to a group of ladies during a recent card-making gathering. I drew a blank until I returned home and remembered what I should have said. Now it was too late to go back and redo it. I lost my chance to make a great first impression, because I hadn't rehearsed what I believe in my mind for the moment I needed it.
It won't do any good to beat myself up about it though. I will learn from this experience and practice an answer that should have been there for next time.

Prayer: Father, forgive me. Thank you for not holding my failure against me. I pray for wisdom and ask for your help in my daily life. Help me put together words so I'll be ready. In Jesus' name, Amen!

Today’s Quote: Outreach to the larger community is essential to the mission of the church. There are churches that exist separate from their own neighborhoods, islands of Christians closed off from the people outside the church doors. This is not what God intended, and it is not good for the long-term health of the church. We are called to be a beacon to the world, announcing and celebrating the love of Christ. A card ministry can, in its own quiet way, be one of the threads that draw us closer to one another, and thereby to God." ~ Sue Banker

1 comment:

  1. I love reading your scripture posts. Thank you for your inspiration.


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