Saturday, July 3, 2010

Devotion: Greedy Guts

“You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.”
~ Exodus 20:17.

I was shocked the first time I looked into the advance copy of the rubber stamping magazine I was published in at the envy I felt looking at all the wonderful ideas. I wanted all the ideas to be my ideas. I was jealous of the inventiveness God had given the other card crafters. Whew, I had the greedies BAD!
Ephesians, chapters four and five, have been my life verses for many years. In chapter five, it says that a greedy person is an idolater (v. 5). I had become a bit proud of myself! Through the word of truth, He showed me that I should put off the sin of selfish pride and thank Him instead for the gifts of grace he has apportioned to each artist--crafter. As a dearly loved princess, I want to be an imitator of my Daddy King; gentle, kind, and good; not a beady-eyed, self-important braggart I was in the danger of becoming if I continued to think of myself more highly than I ought (Philippians 2:3).

Prayer:Thank you, Heavenly Father, for your wise distribution of talents and for my portion of your abundant creativity. Forgive me as I put off greed, purify me from it, and clothe me with humility and the other graces of a princess. Amen!

Today’s Tip: “Ugly is easy to come by and hard to get rid of.” ~ Sandy Lyman Clough.

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